Complément alimentaire équilibre oméga 3 + premium (equiomega+) - Laboratoire Microéquilibre - Delynov

Le DHA est un acide gras essentiel.
Il est dit «indispensable» et doit être apporté par le biais de l’alimentation.
L’EPA est un acide gras non essentiel, car il peut être produit par le corps à partir de l’acide gras essentiel alpha-linolénique (ALA), mais malheureusement en quantité insuffisante.
Il faut donc en apporter par l’alimentation.

Ce produit n'est plus disponible.

The online store offers a wide range of high-quality consumables, instruments, and surgical equipment. Among the flagship products of the store, we have the balanced omega 3 + premium dietary supplement (equiomega+), developed by Laboratoire Microéquilibre. This dietary supplement is specially designed to meet the needs of our body's essential fatty acids. Indeed, DHA, an essential fatty acid, is considered 'essential' and must be provided through our diet. Unfortunately, our body does not produce enough EPA, another essential fatty acid, from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). It is therefore essential to provide them through our diet. The balanced omega 3 + premium dietary supplement (equiomega+) from is an ideal solution to meet these essential fatty acid needs. It is carefully formulated to ensure optimal quality and maximum effectiveness. It is important to emphasize that this product is intended for healthcare professionals, such as implantologists, dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontal surgeons, and their teams and assistants. It is therefore essential for these professionals to read the instructions carefully and respect the contraindications. At, we attach great importance to the safety and quality of our products. That's why we encourage you to contact our team if you have any questions or concerns. In conclusion, the balanced omega 3 + premium dietary supplement (equiomega+) from is a wise choice for healthcare professionals looking for a solution to meet their essential fatty acid needs. Its quality formulation and effectiveness make it an essential product. Do not hesitate to contact our team for more information.